Gewalt in Computerspielen


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Ein paar Informationen vorneweg: Ich wohne zur Zeit in Amerika, und besuche hier die New Mexico State University, kurz NMSU-A. In meinem English Kurs muss ich ein sogenanntes "Research Paper" schreiben zu einem von mir gewählten Thema, nämlich "Violence in Computer Games".
Im folgenden werde ich deshalb öfters Englisch reden, außerdem bin ich nicht mehr ganz so flüssig im Deutschen, bitte um Entschuldigung.

Aufgrund der genanten Gründe würde ich deshalb gerne eine Diskussion zu dem kontroversem Thema "Violence in Computer Games" oder "Gewalt in Computerspielen" starten.

Das Ziel dieses Threads ist mir Verschiedene Meinungen zu diesem Thema einzuholen, die ich dann in meinem Paper verwenden kann. Das bedeutet für Sie, dass Sie mich wissen lassen sollten falls Sie nicht wollen dass ich ihre Kommentare in meinem Paper benutze.

Die main Guidelines dieses Threads sind:
-Was ist Ihrer Meinung nach Gewalt? Ist es das Töten von Menschen oder einfach nur das abfeuern einer Waffe etc.,?
-Was halten Sie von Gewalt in Computerspielen? Sollte es Spiele mit solchem Inhalt geben?
-Was halten Sie von den Medien? Stellen sogenannte Experten das Problem richtig vor, wird bei der Berichterstattung geschlampt oder verallgemeinert?
-Wie ist das Problem zu lösen? Ein totales Verbot von Spielen Gewalt Inhalt, härtere Alterskontrolle oder ist überhaupt eine Änderung nötig?

Diese Fragen müssen nicht direkt beantwortend werden, sie sollen nur zum Nachdenken anregen.

Wenn möglich bitte in Englisch antworten da ich dadurch nicht in Konflikte mit der Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung gerate wenn ich Sie zitiere.

Vielen Dank für ihre Hilfe

-Was ist Ihrer Meinung nach Gewalt? Ist es das Töten von Menschen oder einfach nur das abfeuern einer Waffe etc.,?

Violence starts already with bad language I don't think that killing of people is important to "feel" the violence, to get this "feeling" (this "killing/action-feeling") you only have to do something what you don't do usally. For example the most people may not fire a weapone when they want, they have to wait untill they are 18 and get their firearms certificate, therefore some people play computer games to get their "dream/action feeling" (to own/fire a weaone, do something what they don't do ususally) earlyer.

-Was halten Sie von Gewalt in Computerspielen? Sollte es Spiele mit solchem Inhalt geben?

I think some developer put too much violence in their games (for example Manhunt), the result is that the games get banned in other countries (Germany etc.) a good admeasurement of violence is ok but in my opinion its not important that you can snipe your enemy's limbs, the next is I don't want see 10 meter high blood fountain, if the guy's is dead the guy's dead it doesn't need 10 meter high blood fountains.

-Was halten Sie von den Medien? Stellen sogenannte Experten das Problem richtig vor, wird bei der Berichterstattung geschlampt oder verallgemeinert?

The media overact, they have no idea of videogames, they say "oh its something where you shoot at peoples, we have to forbidd it". The only solution for the players in the banned countries is to import the games, but this hars the countries economy.

-Wie ist das Problem zu lösen? Ein totales Verbot von Spielen Gewalt Inhalt, härtere Alterskontrolle oder ist überhaupt eine Änderung nötig?

I'm think if the games get banned, they would be imported from other countries. More control of the buyer's age is also no solution, the companys/resellers only want to make their living with selling games and don't controlls the age of the buyer, the next step would be that the younger aged people (under 16/18 years) ask full aged people to buy the the games, to bann the games would be no solution.

Good Luck with your research paper :). You may quote me in you paper.
ok, let´s speak english!
well i think violence in games is ok. it´s just a game, it´s virtual. you don´t kill any real people! i don´t think that you get violent, if you play games like Call of Duty or any other shooter!
( well my english is not so good! if there any mistakes please try to understand it :) )
it would be easier for me, if i could answer you in german!
dein deutsch ist sehr gut
Hi Spudnik,

I suggest reading this thread to get a general idea of the opinions of our users towards violence in gaming.

Oh yeah, I have a question.
Why don't you start such a discussion in an American message board?
It'd be easier to understand for both sides and thus you wouldn't have any problems with translations.
Okay let me summarize that:
You are strictly against excessive use of violent content in computer games, however, you also believe that a good computer game needs a certain amount of action and therefore inevitably a certain amount of violence.
You also think that the media is overreacting and showing computer games with violent content off as scapegoats.
You believe that harder rules would not help at all, but turn people into criminals for playing banned games.

So in your opinion, can there be an answer to this debate? Because from your first two answers, I can see that you like computer games, however you don't like excessive violence. But where can a line be drawn between a good amount of violence that makes you want to keep on playing and creates action and excessive use of violence as in ripping off body parts for example. Can such a line even be drawn?
Also, what can be done about the media? How do we (us gamers) make them see computer games from our perspective?

@360 Burner:
I totally agree with you that playing games does not turn you violent. In fact, it is scientifically proven!! My question is, why, if those experts say it does not affect people, do the media present it another way. After each shooting, some experts appear and declare that computer games are the route of all evil. Why do the media choose to present their thesis and not the other thiesis that virtual violence does not affect us?

Simply because I don't know any good American forums revolving around Computer games.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Please post your opinions to this topic here even if you already discussed something similar in another thread. I need some more opinions to write my paper on.
I'll answer in german cause my english is not good enough to translate my opinion... Sorry! I hopeyou can understand what I mean. ;) Gewalt in Videospielen ist nicht das Problem. Das Problem sind zum einen die Politiker die sich eine Meinung bilden aufgrund von Dingen die passieren, wie zum Beispiel Amokläufe an Schulen, selbst aber nie solch ein Spiel gespielt haben. Ein paar Menschen spielen diese Spiele und laufen Amok, keine Frage, aber es gibt Millionen von Spielern die gewaltverherrlichende Spiele spielen. Sind das auch gleich potenzielle Amokläufer? Vielleicht sind es grad diese Millionen die ihre Aggressionen gegenüber der Welt dadurch im Zaum halten. Stephen King hat auch mal gesagt: "Wenn ich nicht schreiben würde wär ich gemeingefährlich." Viele User nutzen diese Spiele als Filter um ihre Aggressionen loszuwerden. Wenns keine Tamagotchies gegeben hätte wären viele Wohnungen vielleicht von Hamstern und Katzen überfüllt. Aber da kommt auch schon die zweite Partei dazu. Eltern verbieten ihren Kindern Haustiere, also müssen sie auf ein Tamagotchi zurück greifen. Die Eltern sind auch diejenigen die mal etwas mehr darauf achten sollten was ihre Kinder da spielen und ihnen gegebenenfalls erklären sollten was es damit auf sich hat. Wo fängt Gewalt an? Im Prinzip fängt doch die Gewalt in Videospielen an wenn Super Mario einem Gegner auf den Kopf springt um ihn aus dem Weg zu räumen. Stört das irgendjemand? Nein! Es ist knuddelig und unrealistisch. Trotzdem ist es Gewalt (wenn auch nur gegen kleine Pilzköpfe) ;) In den Medien wird auf Egoshootern rumgehackt ohne dass irgendjemand der sogenannten Experten auch nur einmal einen gespielt hat. Das finde ich, ist die größte Sauerei an der ganzen Sache. Ich kann ja auch nicht sagen: "Ich weiß nicht warum aber du bist doof!" Das ist keine objektive Meinung. Diese Spiele zu verbieten wäre vollkommener Blödsinn. Dann läd man sie eben aus dem Internet runter, oder importiert sie sich aus anderen Ländern. Das ist ja alles kein Problem. Hier in Deutschland landet ja sowieso alles auf dem Index was nicht mit Blümchen schießt. Jede Version eines Videospiels wird hier geprüft und gegebenenfalls indiziert. Eine eigene Meinung darf man sich nicht bilden, weil einem hier in diesem Land alles schön vorgekaut wird.
Fazit: Gewalt in Videospielen ist nicht verkehrt, denn wenns danach geht müssten auch Brettspiele wie "Risiko" verboten werden, denn ich hab mal eben mit imaginärer Waffengewalt ein Land eingenommen. ;) Eltern sollten mehr darauf aufpassen was ihre Kinder spielen und Politiker sollten mal selbst sehen worums da geht und nicht über Dritte ihre Meinung formen.
I totally agree with you! I thing parents and politicians are trying to wash away they own lack of of responsibility by blaming computer games.
The worst thing I thing is that they know nothing. Example: When there was one of the first shooting in a school (can't remember which one, I think Erfurt) everything was blamed on Counter-Strike. Maybe it was because of that, maybe not, I don't want to argue about that. But ever since this incident, Counter-Strike summarized for the media and consumer virtual violence. Now, that may have been true at the time, but look at games now: In a time of games like Hitman or Jericho, Counter-Strike doesn't cut it anymore in terms of violence. So this clearly indicates for me that the media is doing sloppy research.
If they would do real research, they would realize that there are games out there that are much more brutal which they could use for more anti-games propaganda, and yet they don't even realize that.
That kind of sums up what I thing about the media: One reporter once heard that there was a game named Counter-Strike with violent content which the gunman played. He put it on the front page of his magazine and - boom - Terrorist Win, and Counter-Strike was the designated scapegoat for the next 10 years.
Pull a virtual trigger in games is not the same to pull a real trigger. I`ll try to explain what I mean.
Scene one:

Someone stands in front of me with a weapon in his hand. He is aming on me. What can I do? Yes, I draw my weapon and shoot him down. Level clear, try the next stage. What is the consequence. Nothing. I dont have kill anyone real and have to hide because the cops are after me or when they catched me I have to go in the prison. I just played a game, have some funny times with it and thats all.

Scene one real:

Same conditions with the tiny difference this is a real situation. If he kill me my life is over. If I kill him, my life also ends. Why? My conscience kill me, or in effect of a chase the cops shooting me down, or my walk to the prison. All this ends in a tragedy.

I think, it is okay to play games with violence. You have to define between real and virtual. That is the only rule you have to respect and to keep in mind.
Nothing will happen when you are killing people in games but in real you will loose all of your own humanity.

Thank you for that wonderful example! I can use that very well. More of that please XD
-Was ist Ihrer Meinung nach Gewalt? Ist es das Töten von Menschen oder einfach nur das abfeuern einer Waffe etc.,?

in my opinion violence starts when i hurt other people. and this can happen on many different ways. i can call him an asshole, i can knock him out, hit 'em with a knife, shoot him down and so on... i think there's only a difference between psychological (don't know if thats the right word) and physical violence. but in the end both of them are violence.

-Was halten Sie von Gewalt in Computerspielen? Sollte es Spiele mit solchem Inhalt geben?

i think theres no problem with that. because i can't hurt a videogame. if i shoot someone down in call of duty (or whatever) the game won't die. if i fight someone in tekken, the game won't get a broken nose or something. so i think it doesn't matter because its just entertainment. and if i like that kind of entertainment, it should be allowed to me to get those things.

-Was halten Sie von den Medien? Stellen sogenannte Experten das Problem richtig vor, wird bei der Berichterstattung geschlampt oder verallgemeinert?

i think most of them don't really know about videogames. many of them trying to tell the public that theres a hazard going out from videogames, because one of a million (ore even more) starts a massacre. but they don't put a light on problems in school, in famalies or social problems (no friends...). a videogame can't make you a killer. but unfortunatly (<- i think thats not right wirtten :ugly:) many politicians and selfnamed experts think so and tell it to media this way. and so many people that don't play videogames think the same, because they read it in the newspaper or watch it in tv. i think they would think different if there was a normal player like me (;)) you or anybody else of this community shown in the paper or in tv. perhaps they would understand that its just a hobby or entertainment for us and that we don't want to kill anybody.

-Wie ist das Problem zu lösen? Ein totales Verbot von Spielen Gewalt Inhalt, härtere Alterskontrolle oder ist überhaupt eine Änderung nötig?

a total bann is no opinion becuase i (and many other gamers, too i think) don't want to play only games with flowers and butterflies for example. so this part of economy would get very small or even die out because in the end it wouldn't be much rentable for the developers.
so the parents have to watch what their children are playing and talk about it with them. and of course, the sellers have to check the customer's age.

of course you're allowed to copy my answers in your paper if you think they are useful for you. and i wish you good luck with it.
your german in the first post is very good, by the way. did you learn it in your school, or have you lived here for a while?

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I lived in Germany the first ten years of my life :rolleyes:

Thank you for your answer, very good, nice examples.
Violence starts in videogames at the first moment, you must kill "virtual" Organism (people, animals or other forms of living). But i think, banning violence in games is not the right decision. Better is, to make the controlls of age more serious, but this would be very difficult, because you can´t really control the sellers! It´s very easy for a teen to buy rated games from internet warehouses or sellers without any age verification. The actual rating system is more than sufficient, censoring and banning games must have a end! Every Shooter in Germany is minimal rated 16, the most 18. If the sellers would keep this ratings, i wouldn´t see any problem of violence in games.