

Bekanntes Gesicht
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Sieht irgendwie interessant aus, ist aber leider ein XBLA Episodengame. :(

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD1u_EFaVdE"]YouTube - Hydrophobia Trailer[/ame]

Angeblich gibt es die erste Episode schon kommenden Monat.

Background Story

In the mid 21st Century, Thomas Malthus's 18th Century prophecy will finally be realised.

The Great Population Flood has brought the world to its knees. Cities and towns have become swamped as mass poverty spreads, and the rights of the individual are lost in a sea of desperation.

You are Kate Wilson, a Security Engineer onboard the Queen of the World - a stateless supership where the powerful and the wealthy live in exile from the chaos of the outside world, but united in their quest to save it.

For ten years this "City at Sea" has stood as a beacon for progress, prospering as the rest of world slowly drowns.

On the eve of the Queens massive anniversary celebrations, with a breakthrough announcement looming, the great vessel comes under attack.

Trapped behind enemy lines, Kate must fight her own demons as she becomes the last hope against an army of Neo-Malthusian terrorists, whose philosophy is simple: "Save the world, kill yourself".

"It could well invent a whole new gaming plaything, not to mention a new watery survival mini-genre of its own" - Edge

"Hydrophobia sets itself up as 'player versus environment', albeit in the most dynamic and technically advanced environment yet" - GamesTM

"Originality is hard to come by these days, and Hydrophobia has it in bucketfuls" - Official Xbox 360 Magazine UK

"Hydrophobia is a game that's set to change the way we think about development of games as an industry" - 360 Gamer

"The world's greatest water, a mighty backstory... we can't wait to see more" - Xbox 360 World

Sieht aus wie 'ne Art Dead Space mit viel Wasser.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
War das nichtmal als Physikengine gedacht? Ich kann mich noch ganz genau an nen Artikel der PCGames erinnern, wo die diese Scenen gezeigt haben...
Pax 10 Trailer:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUW2IH7nsFY"]YouTube- Hydrophobia XBLA Official Trailer [HD][/ame]
Ja, ein Arcade-Titel der wohl 800-1200 Punkte kosten wird. Eher 1200 weil das Game gerne mit Shadow Complex verglichen wird.