Mandara Uchiha


Mitglied seit
Mandara Uchiha (Mandara = Makel, Fleck; Uchiha = Fächer) war mit seinem kleinen Bruder der Gründer des Uchiha-Clans.
Er und sein Bruder waren außerdem die ersten, die das Mangekyou Sharingan erlangten. Trotzdem wurde Madara der Anführer des Clans. Doch schon bald erkannte Madara einen wichtigen Nachteil des Mangekyou Sharingan: je öfter man dieses Dou-Jutsu einsetzt, desto schneller verliert man das Augenlicht. Er wurde selbst blind.
Um dieser Blindheit zu entkommen und wieder sehen zu können, riss Mandara seinem Bruder die Augen aus dem Kopf und setzte sie sich selbst ein. So erlangte er ein ewiges Mangekyou Sharingan. Mit dieser Macht riss Madara jeden Shinobi-Clan an sich, dem er begegnete, und er wurde schon bald der mächtigste Ninja der Welt genannt. Später verbündete er sich mit dem Senju-Clan und gründete mit dem Anführer des Senju-Clans, dem späteren 1. Hokage, eine neue Allianz, die sie Konohagakure nennen würden. Später stritten er und der 1. Hokage sich um die Politik im Dorf, und sie kämpften am Tal des Endes gegeneinander; der 1. Hokage gewann diesen Kampf. Seit diesem Tag lebt er in den Schatten. Er gründete daraufhin eine Organisation namens Akatsuki.
Vor sechzehn Jahren griff er Konohagakure mit Kyuubi, dem neunschwänzigen Fuchsdämonen an, doch er scheiterte aufgrund des 4. Hokage.
Der neunschwänzige Fuchs sagte zu Sasuke, dass dieser genauso finstere Augen und Chakra hätte wie Mandara und dass diese finsterer als sein eigenes sei. Tobi behauptet, er habe die Macht von Mandara Uchiha. Desweiteren sagt Paine, er hätte den Auftrag von ihm bekommen alle Bijuus zu fangen, und Itachi behauptet, dass er noch lebe und ihm half, den Uchiha-Clan zu vernichten.

Persöhnliche Notiz:
Meiner Meinung nach plant Mandara durch das aufsaugen der Biju sich in irgend einer Art wieder zu Beleben aber warum Itachi Mandara gefolgt ist bleibt mir ein Rätsel. Wie ja bekannt ist hat Itachi und Mandara den Uchiha Clan ausgerottet und da tut sich wieder ein Rätsel auf: "Warum löscht der Gründer des Uchiha Clanes seinen eigenen Clan aus"???
Und nur weil vermutlicher weiße Mandara Itachi das ganze Geheimnis der Uchiha preisgeben wollte und dazu noch sehr viel Macht mal so den ganzen Clan töteten. Aber Itachi hat so was gesagt als er am Anfang des Kampfes mit Sasuke stand.... Zitat: Der einzige der ihn übertreffen kann den unbesiegbaren Mandara..... und so Unsterblich werden kann bin ich!! Zitat Ende

Und wie hat der 1. Hokage Mandara besiegt da er doch das Vollkommene Sharingan hatte?? Also es bleibt Spannend wir werden sehen was Masashi Kishimoto noch so an Infos herausrücken wird und wie viele Bänder er noch herausbringen wird um Naruto zu einem Ende bringen will. Hoffentlich noch sehr sehr sehr viele Bänder................!!
Ich glaube nicht dass madara die biju braucht um sich wiederzubeleben. Denn wie Itachi schon gesagt hat ist ja dieser unsterblich. Pein hat ja auch schon erwähnt dass er alle biju fangen will um die tödlichste waffe herzustellen. Diese will er dann den zerstritten Völkern gegen, damit sich diese gegenseitig auslöschen. Auch dass er ein schatten seiner selbst ist deutet vielleicht darauf hin, dass er wie orochimaro ein jutsu der unsterblichkeit erschaffen hat, das seinen preis hat....

~~~~~> fortsetzung folt ;)
eben auf ner englischen Fan homepage gelesen
und wenn das stimmt haben wir den Grund warum itachi sasuke am leben gelassen hat und warum sie den kyuubi wollen

ach ja da ich glaube das alle englsich können und ich keinen bock hab das zu Übersetzten poste ich einfach den orginal Text
ps die fehler stammen nicht von mir xD
Hyuuga clan is one of the oldest clans in Konoha. They have been there ever since the establishment of the hidden village. Many years ago there was a girl from Hyuuga clan who fell in love with an outsider. She decided to marry herself to the young man despite the strong protests from her own clan. But this man was no ordinary human. In fact, this man was not a human at all. His name was Sojobo. He was the King of Tengu.
There are two types of tengus, Karasu tengu (a crow-like creature with beak and wings) and Konoha tengu (also known as Yamabushi tengu). Sojobo was a Konoha tengu. He had long nose and white hair with a pair of black wings on his back. As the King of Tengu, Sojobo possessed some very mystical powers. He carried a fan made of Fatsia leaf that could create a storm (therefore people sometimes call this type of leaf as Tengu no Uchiwa or Tengu's fan). He could teleport himself or any other things from one place to another. He could also communicate with people telepathically or even invade their minds and drive them to madness. Besides, Sojobo was also known for his shapeshifting ability. He sometimes transformed himself into human to interact with people.
Anyway, this girl from Hyuuga was in love with Sojobo taking the human form without knowing his true identity. She married him shortly after they met each other. A year or two later, she was pregnant and gave birth to their first son. Sojobo named this son Uchiha, Uchiha Madara, after Uchiwa which means fan. And of course as we know, fan also later became the symbol of this new clan.
Everything was good. Uchiha Madara soon grew up to become a very powerful shinobi. He not only inherited the Kekkei Genkai from his mother but with the Tengu blood inside him the Byakugan had evolved into an even more dreadful form?the Sharingan! This new bloodline had 2 levels: Normal Sharingan and Mangekyou Sharingan. Like his tengu father, Madara possessed some incredible magical powers. He was able to use telepathy to invade people's minds, or even teleport himself across a short distance. When he turned on the Mangekyou Sharingan (he had the normal Sharingan on 24/7 just like his Hyuuga kin), the eyes would further intensify his powers and bring him even closer to a tengu form. He had developed 3 jutsus under this state, namely Tsukiyomi (to control people's minds and drive them insane), Amaterasu (to teleport objects into another dimension).But good things do not last long. As Madara was about to reach his adulthood, Sojobo began to reveal his true intention. Sojobo didn't marry the girl from Hyuuga out of love. He was only looking for a perfect body, a container (probably to achieve greater powers), and he figured the best way was to create one with his own blood. He was planning on taking over Madara's body once he reached his adulthood. It didn't take Uchiha Madara long to find out this appalling truth. He felt a mixture of shock and anger. He felt he was being used but he wasn't going to give in such easily, at least not without a fight. But Madara knew only too well that no matter how strong he was he stood no chance against the King of Tengu. Out of desperation he sought for the legendary Bijuu?Kyuubi (the God of Fire).Kyuubi was very impressed by Madara's abilities. A secret pact was made and Kyuubi agreed to lend his power and chakra to Uchiha Madara. Soon Madara mastered the katon and he could even cast a dark fire that would burn for 7 days and 7 nights after performing the Amaterasu.
But even with these newly gained powers and a huge supply of chakra from the Kyuubi, Uchiha Madara was only able to beat his demon father by a hair's breadth. He couldn't finish him once and for all but only managed to seal him up. However, the seal he used was a very special one. To break the seal it requires the Kyuubi's chakra and also not one but 3 Uchiha members who can wield the Mangekyou Sharingan. Each MS user has to cast a different MS jutsu at the same time and when the 3 jutsus--Tsukiyomi, Amaterasu and Susanoo--combine, the great evil will be unleashed. It's a tall order and Madara thought it would be enough to seal up the demon for eternity.
when the first hokage fouund out wut happend he was mad at madara since thy were best friends he taught madara wanted the kyuubi power for greed so he faught wit madara in the VALLEY OF THE END.(where naruto and sasuke faught).

story line:
20 years ago . a new uhciha was born. a very powerfull one his name was itachi uchiha. he knew the truth and he wanted to free the tengo king and sacrifies his body to him. so he knew his clan wont accept this and he needs 3 MS users so he found another UCHIHA MADARA. . he needed another one. so he creted the path of avenger for his lil brother. wen sasuke gets it . his plan would have worked parfectly.

Tengus are said to be crow-spirits. When Itachi used a genjutsu on Naruto, Naruto saw him turned into a flock of crows
[neji always talk about how he fails to see the last srow] Neji failing to see the last crow was a hint on how that Hyuuga woman failed to see through the King of Tengu, thus allowing the possibility of the Uchiha clan being born?

Karasu tengu can make a sound like thunder clapping when they fly overhead.
Maybe this why whenever tobi comes out it starts raining and thuders come out
even itachi cried on how madara power was

names in naruto means something to the person . like uzumaki means spiral
and thats naruto symbol.. kakashi means scarescrow.. whos is the scarscrow kakashi itachi or sasuke u decide
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