a man´s passion

ZoSo Capricorn

Bekanntes Gesicht
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A Man´s Passion

Strophe 1:
In a room near my kitchen
This is where I live my fiction.
With little youth and even smaller kids.
And I think I call them all my "Cids?.
On my table lies some dirt .
When it rains they get wet shirts.
Their moves are smooth and complicated.
I think it´s like sex with Kamasutra.

My friends say I´m addicted
They say it´s almost perversity.
To me it´s just a passion
Let everyone get its satisfaction.

Strophe 2:
In a room near my kitchen
This is where I live my fiction.
My wife told me I´m in crisis.
Every day I´ve to see their tiny faces.
The buildings costs a thousand dollars
Exported from Germany through some scholars.
I like to walk this doorline
In hope that they´re feelin´ good.

My friends say I´m addicted
They say it´s almost perversity.
To me it´s just a passion
Let everyone get its satisfaction.

In a room near my kitchen
This is where I live my fiction.
I have no words to say
I love my model railway.

der sinn des textes nicht tiefgründig, ihr könnt es lesen :D
der text ist natürlich auch nicht der ernsteste, vor allem wenn man das ende liest. ich hoffe er vermittel zuerst das gefühl von einem mann, der eine neigung zu pornographie hat, was letzten endes dann doch nur seine modell eisenbahn ist ^^