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GameGuyz: World of Warcraft

World of WarCraft Patch 5.2 keine Valor Rewards für neue Fraktionen

[FONT=&#23435]Nach lange andauernder Kritik hat es nun in Patch 5.2 Änderungen bei Fraktionen und Reputationen gegeben. Fans können auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise Reputationen bestimmter Fraktionen erlangen. Jeden Tag können Spieler 750 Repution beim ersten Heroic und 325 Reputation beim ersten Szenario erlangen. Spieler können außerdem Reputation durch Abschließung von Arbeiten auf der Sunsong Runch erlangen. Spieler können für jede der beiden Fraktion pro Tag höchstens 300 Reputation erhalten. [/FONT]​
Quelle: World of WarCraft Patch 5.2 keine Valor Rewards für neue Fraktionen
Patch 5.2 Method Gilde tötet letzten Boss in Throne of Thunder

[FONT=&#23435]Die World of Warcraft Gilde Method hat im 5.2 PTR Raid auf dem nordamerikanischen Server große Fortschritte gemacht. Sie hat den letzten Boss des neuen Raid Thunder of Throne, Lei Shen erfolgreich besiegt. Der Kampf sieht etwas chaotisch aus. Es hat nicht so viele Trash Mobs gegeben aber eine Menge Chain Lightning auf dem Boden. Hier ist das Video.[/FONT]​
Patch 5.2 Aktualisierte Meta Edelsteine

[FONT=&#23435]Der Patch 5.2 PTR hat die Eigenschaften von Meta Edelsteinen aktualisiert, die man als Belohnung beim Black Prince Quest erhält. Ein PvP Edelstein wird von legendärer Qualität (orange) auf epische Qualität aktualisiert (lila) und die anderen drei Edelsteine ersetzen Ausdauer mit Intelekt und kritischem Treffer.[/FONT]​
Details bei Patch 5.2 Aktualisierte Meta Edelsteine
Patch 5.2 S13 Vorstellung von Waffenmodellen

[FONT=&#23435]Die neue Saison steht bevor! Wir haben bereits die bereits die S13 Tier Modelle von jeder Klasse veröffentlicht. Alle Waffen in S13 werden in 2 Levels unterteilt: die normalen auf Level 493, die Allianz und Horde mit unterschiedlichen Farben nutzen und die Elitewaffen auf Level 512, die alle die gleiche Farbe besitzen. Schau einfach an![/FONT]​
Patch 5.2 Ein Buff für das Wipen im Raid Finder

[FONT=&#23435]Unter dem aktuellen Raid Finder, können die meisten Gruppen erfolgreich Bosse umbringen. Ein Teil von ihnen wird jedoch sicherlich trotzdem seine Probleme haben. Die übliche Reaktion ist es, dass die Spieler einer nach dem anderen aufgeben. Um auf dem ursprünglichen Level der Raid Finder zu bleiben und Gruppen zu ermutigen, weiter im Spiel zu bleiben, haben wir uns entschieden ein Buff Stapelsystem hinzuzufügen. Hier gibt es eine Frage:[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Sollten Raid Finder einfacher werden?[/FONT][FONT=&#23435][/FONT]
Antwort bei: Patch 5.2 Ein Buff für das Wipen im Raid Finder lesen.
Patch 5.2 Boss Kills um Reputation zu erlangen

Ich glaube, dass Spieler die das esoyu Video angeschaut haben, am Einzelspieler Beutegreifszenario im Patch 5.2 interessiert sind. Du kannst nicht nur Solo spielen, du hast auch die Chance eine Menge Kisten zu öffnen und Gold zu erlangen. Es bedarf jedoch etwas mehr Zeit, um dieses Szenario spielen zu können. Das Szenario wird nur freigeschaltet, wenn der Server Fortschritt dem der daily Quest entspricht. Alle Spieler der selben Fraktion und Server müssen das daily Quest regelmäßig in Angriff nehmen, um es freizuschalten. Und die Spieler auf einem Server mit weniger Leuten müssen einfach härter arbeiten.

Das Einzelspieler Beutegreifszenario mit dem Titel Mogu Treasure Vaul ist einfach und es sind folgende Schritte zu befolgen.

Ebene 1 – Sprich mit Taoshi
Du wirst nur begrenzte Zeit haben, um sowohl Schätze wie möglich zu bekommen. Sprich mit Taoshi, wenn du bereit zu beginnen bist.

Letzte Ebene – Erreiche den Ausgang
Greife dir soviele Schätze wie möglich und erreiche den Ausgang, bevor der Timer abgelaufen ist.

PTR Class and Set Bonus Issues, Part II

Ghostcrawler Game Designer:

Priest- Power Infusion - in addition to current effects, also increases all damage by 10%.- And now, Discipline. Recall that the main problems we are trying to fix for Disc in PvE are that they are overpowered and relying too much on Prayer of Healing spam, especially in 25s. We made some changes to Divine Aegis, but we're not happy with them. Because of the interaction with crit and mastery, we worry Disc will be too crit-dependent and won't be strong enough when they fail to crit. On top of that, we're worried that it will be too easy to push Disc priests into loving mastery and hating crit or loving crit and hating mastery. To try and address all of those problems, old and new, we are trying a few different things:

1) Divine Aegis now works differently. It causes any critical heal to proc a bubble for 100% of the heal instead of doubling the heal. In other words, a crit for Holy is a 200% heal. A crit for Disc is a 100% heal + a 100% bubble. The bubble however benefits from mastery, so it's more likely a 100% heal + a 130% bubble.2) Power Word: Shield can now crit for Discipline.3) Mastery now boosts shields by 1.6% per point (down from 2.5% per point) but now also increases all healing by 0.8% per point.

What we hope this does:

- Keeps the kit of Divine Aegis making crits do something special.- Makes Disc still awesome at bubbles, but not quite so weak at heals. (Holy will cast bigger heals than Disc, but not 50% higher.)- Makes Prayer of Healing good for periods of restoring damage, but makes Power Word: Shield better for periods of preventing damage. (Inner Focus to force Divine Aegis and Spirit Shell also help with preventing damage).- Making crit a good stat, because it benefits most of the toolbox (including PW:S) and causing Divine Aegis bubbles, but also keeping mastery a good stat, because the bubbles are large, and even when you don't get a bubble, it will still help your heal.

"Help, I'm a nervous Disc priest. Reassure me!"


Keep casting Prayer of Healing like you do today. Keep using Spirit Shell when you anticipate big damage. Start using Power Word: Shield more than you likely do today. Remember that we buffed Penance. Atonement still works. You might need to pay more attention to Spirit (the way the other healers do today).

Yes, I wrote all of this from a PvE point of view. We made several other Disc changes to help in PvP, and we haven't reverted any unless I explicitly mentioned them.
PTR Class and Set Bonus Issues, Part II

Ghostcrawler Game Designer:

- Power Infusion - in addition to current effects, also increases all damage by 10%.
- And now, Discipline. Recall that the main problems we are trying to fix for Disc in PvE are that they are overpowered and relying too much on Prayer of Healing spam, especially in 25s. We made some changes to Divine Aegis, but we're not happy with them. Because of the interaction with crit and mastery, we worry Disc will be too crit-dependent and won't be strong enough when they fail to crit. On top of that, we're worried that it will be too easy to push Disc priests into loving mastery and hating crit or loving crit and hating mastery. To try and address all of those problems, old and new, we are trying a few different things:

1) Divine Aegis now works differently. It causes any critical heal to proc a bubble for 100% of the heal instead of doubling the heal. In other words, a crit for Holy is a 200% heal. A crit for Disc is a 100% heal + a 100% bubble. The bubble however benefits from mastery, so it's more likely a 100% heal + a 130% bubble.
2) Power Word: Shield can now crit for Discipline.
3) Mastery now boosts shields by 1.6% per point (down from 2.5% per point) but now also increases all healing by 0.8% per point.

What we hope this does:

- Keeps the kit of Divine Aegis making crits do something special.
- Makes Disc still awesome at bubbles, but not quite so weak at heals. (Holy will cast bigger heals than Disc, but not 50% higher.)
- Makes Prayer of Healing good for periods of restoring damage, but makes Power Word: Shield better for periods of preventing damage. (Inner Focus to force Divine Aegis and Spirit Shell also help with preventing damage).
- Making crit a good stat, because it benefits most of the toolbox (including PW:S) and causing Divine Aegis bubbles, but also keeping mastery a good stat, because the bubbles are large, and even when you don't get a bubble, it will still help your heal.

"Help, I'm a nervous Disc priest. Reassure me!"


Keep casting Prayer of Healing like you do today. Keep using Spirit Shell when you anticipate big damage. Start using Power Word: Shield more than you likely do today. Remember that we buffed Penance. Atonement still works. You might need to pay more attention to Spirit (the way the other healers do today).

Yes, I wrote all of this from a PvE point of view. We made several other Disc changes to help in PvP, and we haven't reverted any unless I explicitly mentioned them.
Patch 5.2 Trinkets and Legendary Metagems Updates

Ghostcrawler Game Designer:


Agility DPS- Vicious Talisman of the Shado-Pan Assault – 15% chance on landing harmful abilities and spells, and melee/ranged abilities and swings. 105 sec ICD.
- Renataki’s Soul Charm – 0.56 RealPPM on landing harmful abilities and spells, and melee/ranged abilities and swings. 22 sec ICD.
- Talisman of Bloodlust – 3.00 RealPPM on landing harmful abilities and spells, and melee/ranged abilities and swings. No ICD.
- Bad Juju – 0.50 RealPPM on landing harmful abilities and spells, and melee/ranged abilities and swings. No ICD. Voodoo Gnomes are mostly for flavor; they deal ~200 damage before armor per hit.
- Rune of Re-Origination – 0.46 RealPPM on landing harmful abilities and spells, and melee/ranged abilities and swings. 22 sec ICD

Strength DPS
- Brutal Talisman of the Shado-Pan Assault - 15% chance on landing harmful abilities and spells, and melee/ranged abilities and swings. 75 sec ICD.
- Fabled Feather of Ji-Kun - 0.56 RealPPM on landing harmful abilities and spells, and melee/ranged abilities and swings. 22 sec ICD.
- Primordius’ Talisman of Rage – 3.00 RealPPM on landing harmful abilities and spells, and melee/ranged abilities and swings. No ICD.
- Spark of Zandalar - 5.00 RealPPM on landing harmful abilities and spells, and melee/ranged abilities and swings. No ICD.
- Gaze of the Twins – 1.00 RealPPM on critical harmful abilities and spells, periodic spell, and melee/ranged abilities and swings. No ICD.

Intellect DPS
- Volatile Talisman of the Shado-Pan Assault – 15% chance on landing harmful spell. 45sec ICD.
- Wushoolay’s Final Choice – 0.56 RealPPM on damage/absorb from harmful abilities and spells, and periodic spells. 22 sec ICD.
- Breath of the Hydra – 0.50 RealPPM on damage/absorb from periodic spell. No ICD.
- Unerring Vision of Lei-Shen – 0.50 RealPPM on damage/absorb from harmful spells and periodic spells. No ICD.
- Cha-Ye's Essence of Brilliance – 1.00 RealPPM on critical harmful spells and periodic spells. No ICD.


- Soothing Talisman of the Shado-Pan Assault – On Use, 180sec CD.- Horridon's Last Gasp – 1.00 RealPPM on heal from helpful spell and periodic spell while in combat. No ICD.
- Inscribed Bag of Hydra-Spawn – 1.13 RealPPM on heal from helpful spell and periodic spell while in combat. 17 sec ICD.
- Stolen Relic of Zuldazar – 3.00 RealPPM on attempting helpful spell while in combat. No ICD. Use effect has a 20sec CD.
- Lightning-Imbued Chalice – 3.00 RealPPM on heal from helpful spell and periodic spell while in combat. No ICD.

- Steadfast Talisman of the Shado-Pan Assault – On Use, 120 sec CD.
- Fortitude of the Zandalari – On Use, 120 sec CD.
- Delicate Vial of the Sanguinaire – 4% chance on dodge melee ability or swing. No ICD.
- Ji-Kun's Rising Winds – 100% chance on taking damage from melee abilities or swings, that leaves you below 35% health. 30 sec ICD.
- Soul Barrier - On Use, 120 sec CD.

Legendary Metagems

Sinister Primal Diamond – 0.84 RealPPM on damage/absorb of harmful or periodic spell. No ICD.
Courageous Primal Diamond – 1.00 RealPPM on attempting helpful spell. No ICD.
Indomitable Primal Diamond – 1.00 RealPPM on damage/absorb taken from melee ability or swing. No ICD.
Capacitive Primal Diamond – 15.00 base RealPPM on landing melee/ranged abilities and swings. No ICD. At 5 stacks, fires Lightning Strike, which deals [280 + 75% AP] Nature damage. That base proc rate is multiplied by an additional coefficient by spec:
- Assassination: 1.535
- Combat: 0.99
- Subtlety: 0.98
- Feral: 1.934
- Windwalker: 1.084
- Beast Mastery: 1.604
- Marksmanship: 1.594
- Survival: 1.449
- Enhancement: 1.093
- Retribution: 1.923
- Frost DK (2H): 1.309
- Frost DK (DW): 1.572
- Unholy: 1.34
- Arms: 1.771
- Fury (TG): 1.784
- Fury (SMF): 1.951
Short Story: The Trial of the Red Blossoms

We just added a brand-new short story to the Destination[: Pandaria section of the World of Warcraft community site. Check out The Trial of the Red Blossoms now!


They are the Sword in the Shadows. The Watchers on the Wall. The only line of defense against the evils that threaten Pandaria.
They are the Shado-pan.

Every seven seasons, the trees within the Shado-pan Monastery bloom crimson – a sign that those who wish to join the secretive order must pass through a grueling ordeal known as the Trial of Red Blossoms. Only those rare and favored few that survive may have a chance of one day calling themselves Shado-pan.

Some hopefuls seek glory. Others seek battle.

For one young pandaren thief, the Trial is a punishment for his crimes, a stay of execution, and a chance at redemption.

Read the story on our website or download it for your e-reader in the convenient EPUB format to enjoy on-the-go or while nestled in your comfiest reading spot.
Patch 5.2 Ra-den kommt scheinbar mit einem Trylimit 30 pro Woche

Re-den, der Endboss wird nach dem momentanen Stand ein Limit von 30 Versuchen haben. Wenn ihr den Boss 30 mal gepullt habt und erfolglos seid, wird er verwinden und ihr müsst euch für eine Versuche bis zur nächsten Wochen gedulden. Blizzard hat eine Stellung dazu genommen, warum Blizzard zu dieser Maßnahme greift. Ihr findet den Bluepost unten.


A few comments on our thinking. First off, I've seen some people quoting a 2010 WoW Dev Twitter chat where we said "Limited Attempts didn't really work out" as one of the WotLK retrospective points. That was true as they were generally utilized in that expansion. In the very same dev chat, we also said "If we do limited attempts again it would probably be limited to optional bosses like Algalon."

Well, guess which boss Ra-den is probably most like?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Der Herr Der Blings

Vor kurzem ist ein Spoof Video von Hybrim Entertainment immer beliebter geworden. Das World of Warcraft background lord of the rings Video erzählt ein prächtige Geschichte.
During the Second Age, the Dark Lord Sauron schemed to gain dominion over Middle-earth. He forged 19 great rings. Three were given to the elves, seven to the dwarf lords, and nine rings were gifted to the race of men. But another ring was made. Sauron forged in secret a master ring to control all the others. He then launched an evil war making all the Middle-earth shrouded in darkness. But in the end Sauron was defeated finally by the alliance formed with elves, men and other creatures. The ring was destroyed and the Middle-earth was at peace.

Blizzard: There is a Roadmap for the Next Three Expansions

Recently Blizzard Entertainment Game Director Tom Chilton accepted an interview. Here is the full interview transcript.

Scaling down gear and character stats for old content is on the list of things that would be nice to do. It is just a matter of when there will be time to do it.
Plans for how the patches will end up are still flexible at the start of an expansion, but there is still a roadmap of what Blizzard would like to accomplish throughout the expansion.

WOW Klassen Hotfixes – 12/3

Greg Street hat den Mage, Warlock, Death Knight und Warrior in Patch 5.2 modifiziert. Hier sind die kompletten Patchanmerkungen dazu.

Community Manager:

Der Lead Systems Designer Greg Street (Ghostcrawler) will die Spieler über einige Klassen Hotfixes informieren, die in der letzten Nacht veröffentlicht wurden und hat die Gründe hierfür erklärt.


Mage: Nether Tempest, Living Bomb, Frost Bomb Schaden +40%.
Mage: Frost Bomb fügt nun 60% seines Schadens wenn es gegen andere Spieler verwendet wird, gegenüber den 80% zuvor.
Wir sind zufrieden mit der Stärke von Arcane, Fire und Frost Mages in PvE aber alle drei Specs liegen darunter, wo wir sie eigentlich haben wollen. Wir hoffen, dass sobald Gruppen an den ersten paar 5.2 Raids vorbeikommen, wir erleben, dass DPS ansteigt. Dies ist nocht nicht der Fall. Wir wollen die Spieler nicht dazu zwingen, die Specs zu ändern. Wir wollten eine eher passive Veränderungen.
Es ist bei Wechsel des Servers nicht möglich den neuen Boss umzubringen, wird in Zuku

Der WOW Chief System Designer crabeGreg Street hat vor kurzem auf Twitter mitgeteilt, dass es vorrübergehend nicht erlaubt war, den Server zu wechseln, was die Spieler davon abhalten sollte, alle zum schnellen Server zu rennen. Denkst du nicht, dass die Entscheidung ein bisschen überstürzt ist?
