All of the things you’ve said about the Surfer’s backstory... can you say, is that dealt with in the film?
DJ: No, you’re not going to see much. I think he’s introduced in the film much like he’s introduced in the comic book.
C: Okay, just flying in and...
DJ: He comes to earth on his usual, standard, everyday mission for Galactus, seeking out planets that are consumable and destroyable that have the right energy that Galactus can feed on.
C: So, does Galactus play a role in the film? Is he seen in the film?
DJ: Well, that’s where you’re going to get a very nebulous quote from me. All I can say is that you can’t really introduce the Silver Surfer on film without Galactus as some sort of presence.
C: We all know that the Surfer is not a villain. He may have been fighting the Fantastic Four initially, but he’s not a villain.
DJ: No, he’s not on an evil mission to control the universe himself, no, no. Even Galactus, I think, is just hungry, you know. We all need to eat, right?
C: Very true. Okay, you were talking about how the Surfer's backstory is dealt with. He comes in as the harbinger of Galactus. Is his backstory dealt with?
DJ: "Touched on" is the phrasing I would use, but not exposed or shown. There's no need for it in this one. Hopefully, if we get the chance to do a stand-alone film, we can delve more into that.
C: Is that something that has been discussed as a possibility?
DJ: It hasn't been discussed with me as far as, here's a script, here's what we want to do with the character. And this is just me and my opinion, but it would be great to see happen, wouldn't it?
C: Even before the Fantastic Four movies came out, the idea of a Silver Surfer movie has certainly come up over the years. I like that they're introducing the character in a Fantastic Four movie, since that keeps it more faithful with the source material. I should have asked you this when we were talking about the trailer, but the one concern that was voiced about it was that we see the Surfer's eyes. Have you heard this?
DJ: Oh my gosh, the eyes have been talked about constantly. And the opinion is going back and forth, because of course in the comic book they were all white. I don't know, but being that I'm not a comic book purist, I kind of like seeing pupils and irises because I get more of a window to perform that way. That's my personal feeling, but everyone's going to differ on this one. And what you see in the trailer and what the finished product might be could be slightly different.