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Verkaufszahlen, Finanz- und Industrienews

Nach der Preissenkung hat sich der Absatz der 360 in Amerika verdoppelt.

Quelle: bloomberg.com
Amerika - August (NPD):

Hardware Unit Sales

PlayStation 3 185.4K
PlayStation Portable 253.0K
Playstation 2 144.1K
Xbox 360 195.2K
Wii 453.0K
Nintendo DS 518.3K

Top 10 SKU's August 2008
(includes CE, GOTY editions, bundles, etc. but not those bundled with hardware)
Publisher Release Date Rank # Units

360 MADDEN NFL 09 ELECTRONIC ARTS Aug-08 1 1.0mm
360 TOO HUMAN MICROSOFT Aug-08 8 168.2K

Nur um es klarzustellen: Die Preissenkung kam erst am 7.9.

Mario Kart läuft verdientermaßen super:

Mario Kart Wii:
US.: 2.737.700
Jap.: 1.706.000
U.K.: > 600.000
Rest of the world: ~ 1.500.000 - 2.000.000

Total: ~ 6.543.700 - 7.043.700
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Alle drei großen Anbieter fühlen sich zu einer Pressemitteilung genötigt:


NPD Says Nintendo DS and Wii Finish 1 and 2 in August U.S. Sales

Nintendo DS™ and Wii™ again topped the hardware sales charts for August, according to the independent NPD Group, which tracks video game sales in the United States. In August, more than 514,000 portable Nintendo DS systems sold in the United States, bringing the lifetime U.S. total to nearly 22 million. In August, more than 448,000 Wii consoles sold in the United States, bringing the lifetime U.S. total to nearly 12 million and extending its lead as the best-selling video game console of this generation.

Five games made for Nintendo systems placed in the top 10 best-selling games of the month, including Wii Fit ™ at No. 4 with nearly 395,000 sold, Mario Kart ® Wii at No. 5 with nearly 329,000 sold, Wii Play ™ at No. 6 with more than 200,000 sold, Madden NFL 09 All-Play for Wii at No. 9 with nearly 116,000 sold and Guitar Hero: On Tour for Nintendo DS at No. 10 with more than 111,000 sold.

“ The positive public response to Nintendo DS and Wii has stayed strong throughout 2008,” said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’ s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “ New titles like Madden NFL 09 All-Play for Wii have joined top 10 veterans like Wii Fit , demonstrating the wide and long-lasting appeal of Nintendo games.”


PS3 Posts Strong Sales; PS3 Software Sales Up 92 Percent Year-Over-Year

Total PlayStation Hardware Unit Sales Top 582,533

PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) continued to generate impressive sales in August 2008, with 185,353 hardware units sold. From January to August 2008, more than 2 million PS3s have been sold in the U.S., representing a year-to-date hardware sales growth of more than 92%. Software sales were also strong for PS3, with 1.6 million units sold, representing a year-over-year growth of 92%.
• Electronic Arts Sports’ Madden NFL 09 proved to be a hot seller on PlayStation platforms in August, with more than 1.1 million copies purchased by PlayStation customers, not including the Madden NFL 09 ® (PlayStation® Portable) Entertainment Pack. 643,000 units of the popular sports title were sold for PS3 alone, a 33% higher attach rate than Xbox 360 and representing an increase of 90% year-over-year when compared to Madden NFL 08 sales for PS3 in August 2007.
• Following its launch on July 29, more than 263K copies of the weapon-based fighting game Soulcalibur IV were sold for PS3 in July and August, a 38% higher attach rate than Xbox 360.
• PLAYSTATION®Network continued to be a popular destination for new and original forms of entertainment, including exclusive content such as the full game of The Last Guy and the Warhawk expansion pack, as well as TV shows like Xam’d: Lost Memories.
Fueled by enthusiasm for the Madden NFL 09 PSP Entertainment Pack, 253,012 PSP hardware units were sold. This represents a year-over-year growth of 67%.
PlayStation®2 (PS2) hardware unit sales were again solid in August, with 144,096 hardware units sold. Since launch, more than 42.7 million PS2s have been sold in the U.S. as of August 2008.

Power of the PlayStation Portfolio
The PlayStation brand generated strong sales across all three platforms, earning $365 million in August.
• Year-to-date (Jan-Aug), the PlayStation brand has generated almost $3.7 billion in revenue, representing an increase of 21% year-over-year.
• PlayStation total hardware revenue was $147.3 million in August, representing a year-to-date growth of 42%.
• PlayStation total software revenue in August was $178 million, representing a year-to-date growth of 25%.

CEO Perspective

"We had yet another strong month for PlayStation in August, which validates that consumers are indeed recognizing the long-term value that PS3 offers as both a gaming and home entertainment device. We also began shipping the new 80GB PS3 model in late August to address any short term inventory transitions from the 40GB to 80GB model. We're looking forward to a solid holiday season and are excited to offer a string of unmatched content to consumers in the coming months with LittleBigPlanet, SOCOM: Confrontation, Resistance 2, and MotorStorm: Pacific Rift."

- Jack Tretton, president and CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment America


We’re on track for a record-breaking holiday with a new sweet spot in pricing and the launch of the New Xbox Experience this fall. At $199, Xbox 360 offers the greatest entertainment value available, with the leading online service, the best games, and the greatest selection of downloadable movies and TV shows.

Weekend sales post-price cut up over 100% (Microsoft internal data)

· Coming off the Sept. 3 price drop announcement, the weekend retail results are in: Console sales across all Xbox 360 models were up over 100% between Friday, Sept. 5 and Sunday, Sept. 7. The Xbox 360 Arcade system, now the lowest priced next generation console on the market at $199, showed the largest lift, selling at six times the rate it was the weekend before. (Microsoft internal data)

· According to NPD, 195,000 Xbox 360 consoles were sold in the U.S. in August, contributing to life-to-date spending of $10.7 billion on hardware and software, and a U.S. install base of 10.9 million units. (August NPD).

With the best-selling line-up of sports games on the market, sports fans have spoken: Xbox 360 owns sports. Here are some specifics:

“Madden NFL 09” on Xbox 360 secures #1 game in August
· Over one millions copies of “Madden NFL 09” sold on the Xbox 360 platform in August since its launch on Aug. 12. Madden fans helped contribute to Xbox 360’s record-breaking software attach rate of 8.0 games per console. (August NPD)

“Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09”
· Xbox 360 players hit the greens with Tiger’s latest installment, purchasing 56,000 copies of “Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09” in the five days it was on the market, more than on any other platform. (August NPD). Xbox 360 gamers eager to watch Tiger walk on water contributed to the $94 million spent at retail in August for third-party publishers on the Xbox 360 platform, or 45% of share. (August NPD)

“NCAA Football 09”
· The kick-off of the college football season didn’t stop Xbox 360 gamers buying 460,000 copies of “NCAA Football 09” since it launched, more than PS3 and Wii versions combined. (August NPD)

From sports games and music titles to the biggest blockbuster games this holiday, the best games are on Xbox 360

· Xbox 360 games secured three spots in the list of top 10 selling games in August: “Madden NFL 09” at #1, “Too Human” at #7 and “Soul Caliber IV” at #8. (August NPD)

· Beginning last month with “Madden NFL 09,” Xbox 360 has a string of blockbuster titles, each expected to sell at least a million units, launching in the coming months including “Gears of War 2,” “Fable II,” “Guitar Hero IV,” “Rock Band 2,” “Fallout 3” and “Lips.”

Xbox 360 continues to move more games for third party publishers than any other platform

· With $94 million in third party game sales in August, Xbox 360 generated more dollars at retail for third party publishers than any other console, to date generating $4.1 billion, or 58% of share. (August NPD)
OMG. Das ist jetzt das 24 oder 25 Singstar Spiel. Selbst wenn ABBA draufsteht, ist es nichts weiter als ein jährliches Update.
Selbst wenn ABBA draufsteht, ist es nichts weiter als ein jährliches Update.

Im Grunde ist es so, ja. Immer wieder eine reine Titel-Aufstockung. Jahr um Jahr, Titel um Titel. Es kann Scorpions, Queen, Madonna, Stones, Beatles... auf der Verpackung stehen, kaufen würde ich es mir nicht. Sehe ich als reine Geldabzocke an, ähnlich wie mit den GH-Ablegern, den Eye-Toy-Spielen oder eben der Singstar-Reihe.
Aktuelle Hardware-Verkaufszahlen aus Japan - consolewars

Ich verstehen Sony nicht,die grösste Konkurrenz für die PS3 stammt aus dem eigenen Haus.Wann werden die endlich mal klug und stampfen die PS2 ein,dann würden sich sicher wöchentlich über 20k PS3 in Nippon absetzen.

Aktuelle Hard- und Software-Verkaufszahlen aus den USA - consolewars

Auch hier das gleiche Schauspiel,die PS2 läuft dem Nachfolger fast den Rang ab.Unverständlich könnten mit der Abkehr von der PS2 locker 30k mehr wöchentlich Interessenten finden.
PS3 und Box liefern sich ein Kopf an Kopf Rennen.
Mal schauen ob für die Box nächste Woche 400k fällig werden,wo die Preissenkung angeblich die Verkaufszahlen verdoppelt hat.Das übliche Strohfeuer.:rolleyes:
OMG. Das ist jetzt das 24 oder 25 Singstar Spiel. Selbst wenn ABBA draufsteht, ist es nichts weiter als ein jährliches Update.
Jährlich? Monatlich. Es ist eig das selbe Spiel , aber mit komplett anderem Inhalt, das einzige was ich da tuhe ist mich freuen, obwohl mich ABBA nicht so interessiert.
Die Playstation 2 geht immer noch weg wie warme Semmeln. Wohl ein weiteres Indiz dafür, dass im Moment nur die absolute Minderheit Interesse an einer neuen Xbox oder Playstation hat (also Nachfolger der 360 und PS3, nicht die aktuellen Konsolen)
Im Grunde ist es so, ja. Immer wieder eine reine Titel-Aufstockung. Jahr um Jahr, Titel um Titel. Es kann Scorpions, Queen, Madonna, Stones, Beatles... auf der Verpackung stehen, kaufen würde ich es mir nicht. Sehe ich als reine Geldabzocke an, ähnlich wie mit den GH-Ablegern, den Eye-Toy-Spielen oder eben der Singstar-Reihe.

Abba-Hits funktionieren als Karaoke besonders gut. Man muss nurmal in die Foren schauen. Selbst Singstar-Hasse sind Feuer und Flamme für das Abba-Teil. Aber eigentlich hast Du recht. Das ist ein klarer Vorteil bei Microsofts Lips bei dem alle ungeschützten MP3s funktionieren sollen. Auch wenn ich mir beim besten Willen nicht vorstellen kann wie das gehen soll.

@Cosmic: Warum postest Du eigentlich das, was ich bereits vor Dir gepostet habe? Fällt mir nicht zum ersten mal auf.

Zum Battle zwischen 360 und PS3 in Japan: Ich würde noch nicht so weit gehen und behaupten, dass es nur ein Strohfeuer ist. Microsoft hatte auch letztes Jahr die Preissenkung taktisch so klug platziert - im September beginnt in den Staaten die Holiday-Season - dass sie bis Ende des Weihnachstgeschäfts der HD-Konkurrenz davonflog.

Microsoft hat ein starkes Lineup und den Preisvorteil. Ausgerechnet die Wii könnte im Weihnachtsgeschäft zu Microsofts Vorteil werden. Die wird nämlich wieder kaum zu bekommen sein. Die Mütter werden dann - weil sie ihre Kids nicht enttäuscht sehen wollen - eine alternative suchen. Vergleichen sie die Preise (auf der einen Seite 200 USD, auf der anderen 400 USD) greifen sie sicher zur günstigeren Variante.

Die PS3 hat aber im Weihnachtsgeschäft auch das Problem, dass Blu-ray-Player günstiger sein werden als Sonys Konsole. Filmfans und HD-Junkies werden dann das tun, was sie zu größten Teil tun: Zu Standalones greifen.

Eine NPD-Studie hat ergeben, dass 20% aller 360-Spieler vorher mit einer PS2 spielten. Für 199 USD kann ich mir durchaus vorstellen, dass einige andere PS2-Spieler auf die 360 upgraden. Die Amis sind für gewöhnlich keine - sorry wenn es drastisch klingt - Markenhuren.

Ich halte es sogar für möglich, dass die 360 bis Jahresende den Vorsprung den die PS3 in den diesjährigen Verkäufen (in den Staaten) einfahren konnte wieder vollständig neutralisiert.

Ich würde keine der Konsolen vorzeitig abschreiben. Es kann (fast) alles passieren. Vielleicht wirkt das 40GB-Upgrade der PS3 auf die Amis so anziehend dass alles anders kommt. Was garantiert nicht anders kommen wird: Nintendo wird weltweit aus dem Weihnachtsgeschäft als Sieger hervorgehen.

Unter den HD-Streithähnen sehe zur Weihnachtszeit den Vorteil bei Microsoft. Zumindest in den Staaten. Denn anders als bei uns sind die dort sogar präsent und machen Werbung.

Wie immer ist das nur eine Einschätzung von meiner Seite. Ich kann auch falsch liegen. Ich erhebe keinen Anspruch darauf recht zu behalten.

Offtopic: Wir müssen uns nochmal wegen Deiner Mastercard kurzschliessen. Ich fände es schon arg seltsam, wenn der US-Store die nicht nehmen würde. Ich habe noch nirgendwo davon gelesen, dass die nur Visa akzeptieren.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich verstehen Sony nicht,die grösste Konkurrenz für die PS3 stammt aus dem eigenen Haus.Wann werden die endlich mal klug und stampfen die PS2 ein,dann würden sich sicher wöchentlich über 20k PS3 in Nippon absetzen.

Wieso sollte Sony sein zweitbestes Zugpferd erschießen? :confused: Die PS2 hat halt eine riesen Spieleauswahl und keine Ruckler, außerdem ist sie billig :hoch: Meine steht seit der PS3-Anschaffung zwar unbenutzt im Regal, aber viele meiner Freunde haben noch riesen Spaß mit der ausgereizten Technik und den 10 EUR Spielen.

Sony sollte mMn nichts überstürzen, sondern auf die natürliche Entwicklung warten und der Wechsel zur NG-Konsole dauert zwar ist aber doch zu beobachten.
Weitere Preissenkung für Europa? - consolewars

Die Frage nach den doppelten Beiträgen kann ich Dir sofort beantworten Forti,Du stellst häufig englischsprachige Artikel ein und leider verstehen nicht alle Englisch.Deshalb ergänze ich dann die Deutsche Fassung.

Wegen der Kreditkarte im Ami Store.Ich habe meinen Namen und die KK Daten ordentlich angegeben und eine Fake Adresse gewählt.Immer bekomme ich eine Fehlermeldung egal welche Adresse ich wähle.:autsch:

@Chris FFM
Meine PS2 ist noch in Gebrauch,gestern Abend erst habe ich Shadow of the Colossus durchgespielt und ich werde mir sicher noch das eine oder andere billige Spiel zulegen.
Die PS2 verkauft sich noch gut,aber die Zahlen sinken kontinuierlich,ausserdem kommen nur noch halbgare Spieleumsetzungen.Ich denke dieses Geschäftsjahr wird das letzte sein.
Wer Zeit hat.....:)
Shuhei Yoshida Interview
Sony's President of Worldwide Studios talks about life after Big Phil and more.

IGN: How are you settling in your new role?
Shuhei Yoshida:
I think it's going very well actually - I'm in the middle of moving my base from the US to Japan. For me, it's been a case of setting up the appropriate management in Europe and the US and now I'm very pleased with how we are set up internally. I'm feeling very, very good about it.

IGN: You've been a Sony employee for some years. Tell us about your history with the company.
Shuhei Yoshida:
I started in the Sony electronics side, and then Ken [Kutaragi] started doing the PS1. In February 1993 I joined the team and my first job was to present the case to Sony why they should invest in this new kind of videogame technology. Sony Computer Entertainment was formed in November of that year.

IGN: You're filling Phil Harrison's shoes. He was quite a public face for Sony - are you going to be taking on the same role?
Shuhei Yoshida:
In my mind he always played a dual role; one of managing the studios and the other as an evangelist for the platform. And he's been doing it since PS1 days and he was excellent about it. So I don't have an ambition to be the face - my main focus is to look after my studios.

IGN: Do you have a distinct philosophy you're bringing to your role?
Shuhei Yoshida:
Because I worked closely with Phil for quite a long time we are very complementary with how we look at projects. I have always been more looking at the nuts and bolts, but Phil was more about the bigger picture and the core concept. It has been quite great to be working on the same project that I see from one side Phil would see from the other side. In a sense, I continue to trade on my strengths. I hope there won't be major changes because I feel it's working very well.

IGN: I was speaking to someone from Naughty Dog, and he was saying it was like a big family. So is it your job to be a father figure and look after all these studios?
Shuhei Yoshida:
We really make efforts to make people feel like they are part of the larger resources and there is lots of talent in the studios and technology groups that we have. In the past – and up to the PS2 days - most of the teams were working in isolation. That worked okay because each engine had to be customised for the game. Because [working on] the PS3 is such a large undertaking it just doesn't make sense for each team to make every nut and bolt. We have really made a conscious effort to encourage sharing and we have underlying technology that we share with all these studios. And we have a set-up so the different studios can meet up and openly talk about things. I think that's kind of created this view of family.

IGN: Obviously you've got a really good team of studios. Are you on the lookout for other studios to acquire?
Shuhei Yoshida:
We have acquired a few as you know. We always approach the acquisition not in the way that some other publishers do - some successfully, some unsuccessfully. We always start with trying to build strong relations and IPs together and after the successful completion of a few games we might sit down and talk about acquisition.

I totally believe it's not just one person that makes a successful franchise - it takes lots of people's efforts because it's a difficult process and you really have to have to chemistry to work together, because development doesn't go like this [makes a smooth gesture with hands] it goes like this [starts throwing shapes]. Unless we have the underlying trust between the team and the publishing side we'd find it really hard. We are always open about changing our relations with other developers but we always take this process step by step.

IGN: In terms of the big games coming out this Christmas – LittleBigPlanet aside – they're all sequels. When can we expect to see some new IP from Sony?
Shuhei Yoshida:
Not this year, next year. We started to show very small sections of it - you know yesterday we showed Heavy Rain. And we announced we're working on God of War 3 and a game called MAG. We have some other titles that we're not allowed to talk about.

IGN: Going back to LittleBigPlanet, is it going to be a difficult title to get people to understand it?
Shuhei Yoshida:
We are totally focussed on making it successful from worldwide marketing. From a company standpoint we totally believe in the premise that it brings to the table - not just for the game but for the future and where we're heading. It is just going to take a concerted effort from all parts of the company. So from a marketing standpoint it's going to be huge campaign that you'll see.

IGN: Can we expect more of the like of LittleBigPlanet from Sony in the future?
Shuhei Yoshida:
I'm sure some other teams are taking on that idea of giving power to consumers.

IGN: Some teams have been particularly quiet – when can we expect to see what's being produced by Team Ico?
Shuhei Yoshida:
Soon. I used to call them Olympic Team, because they always spend four years on their games. Ico started in 1997 and we saw that in 2001, Shadow was released in 2005. So it's an Olympic cycle.

IGN: So the next one's in 2009?
Shuhei Yoshida:
I'm hoping for them to keep the Olympic cycle. That would be nice. Ueda-san is such a perfectionist and he decides when he's ready to show it. So I keep asking, 'When are you ready?'

IGN: Where do you see the PlayStation 3 in its life cycle now?
Shuhei Yoshida:
Oh, it's like the second year. I totally believe what Jack Tretton was saying at E3, we are just scratching the surface. Especially the third party developers, they are just starting to get their heads around it, so they're now feeling comfortable about working on the platform. Look at the potential, like we were talking about Uncharted using 40% of the power [of the PlayStation 3] and that's totally true.

Initially, when a new platform comes out, the focus tends to be on the graphics side, but after that you really want the game to behave differently, to be more smart and more interesting, and that takes longer. That's when the strength of the CPU really helps by being able to handle lots of computations, and that's still to be seen. Developers have had a couple of years to get the look, so the next target will be the feel of the games, and that's still happening.

IGN: Do you think we can expect to still see visual leaps from the PlayStation 3?
Shuhei Yoshida:
The improvement will be very steady and progressive. Speak to the Insomniac guys, they are releasing their third game and they'll tell you feel there is a lot more that they can do.

IGN: You obviously had a vision for the PS3 over its 10-year life cycle. Is it where you expected it to be now?
Shuhei Yoshida:
This year, yes, but last year we weren't so sure. Last year we were very concerned about things that were not happening that should have been happening. But this year we are feeling very comfortable about the way that third parties are working with PS3, the value from having not just games but video capabilities and the way we are able to offer additional services. We are feeling very comfortable now, but we know that we have a lot of work to do.

IGN: Do you see PlayStation Network as an important part of the PS3's future?
Shuhei Yoshida:
Yes, and not just for the PlayStation 3 but it's important for the future of the industry. It's a progressive shift from a retailer based business, so it won't happen in a year or two.

Different developers are trying different angles, like [Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty] from Insomniac. They've really shown how it can be done, by not changing the engine necessarily but by creating an episode - and that's much more efficient in creating additional content. But other games like LittleBigPlanet are making use of the Network for people to share content. With SingStar it's a stage for expressing yourself to people of the world. It must be very exciting for a kid to sing and show what they've performed to all these other people.

IGN: Episodic content is looking increasingly important with the likes of the new Siren – is this something we're going to see more of?
Shuhei Yoshida:
What we have now are broader options to give our content to users, so that helps us handle many different titles and to work with many different types of developer. In the past we only had disc media, and the medium has certain requirements – volume, content or price point - but now with Network distribution we have much more variety with what we can do. So that really helps us not to be thinking in a narrow confined way of approaching content.
Teil 2

IGN: So what's going on with the PSP?
Shuhei Yoshida:
This year the big title was God of War, there's Buzz and next Spring we'll be releasing Resistance. We've been consistently leveraging our existing franchises but creating unique content for the PSP, customising how the game works in terms of interface. That's been working for us very well. We have many more games that we haven't announced for next year. What we'd like to see more is for third parties also – there is so much great IP that they have.

IGN: It's a shame that the PSP is often neglected as a gaming console...
Shuhei Yoshida:
Yeah, it's really, really disappointing and it's a lost opportunity for the third parties. They should look at what the PSP can do for their titles and the potential for the business that their IP has.

IGN: How can Sony convince third parties to develop for the PSP?
Shuhei Yoshida:
We have to show by examples. What's happening in Japan is interesting - because of the massive success of Monster Hunter, Japanese publishers realise, 'here's a resource'. Lots of people are playing PSP in groups of fours and when you go to Japan it's hard to find a train or a bar where you don't see some people playing a PSP. So other publishers in Japan are seeing these consumers, and thinking, 'Wow, we can make games for those consumers'.

And this is a usage that really sits well with the PSP. The most recent example is the Phantasy Star game from SEGA, and it's really catching on. Some of these will come over to US and Europe, and hopefully other third parties will start thinking about the PSP in the same way.

IGN: Is social gaming something that's quite important to the PlayStation 3 as well?
Shuhei Yoshida:
It's important to PS3, and it has been massive on PS2 as you know. Nintendo Wii's success is really helping that, as is the success of music games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero - they're bringing in these people, creating the style of playing games with your parents, and that continues to be important for the success of the PS3 as well.

IGN: Do you look to the Wii as an inspiration at all?
Shuhei Yoshida:
Absolutely. They are bringing in people that have never played games before, who never have tried picking up a controller. After they've played a Wii and played some of the games, some of those consumers might try something else. I'm really interested to try and convince those consumers to stay with us.

IGN: There's talk of a PlayStation motion controller...
Shuhei Yoshida:
[Picks up Sixaxis] We already have one!

IGN: But are you looking at a more dedicated motion controller?
Shuhei Yoshida:
[The Sixaxis] is very unique in what it can do. It's not just the motions, but it's a way to interact with games which is really important to us to create a new experience. And that was what we've been doing with the EyeToy camera, the SingStar mic and the Buzz controller. We always look for a new way to give users interaction with games.

IGN: As such, would a dedicated motion controller work with the PlayStation 3?
Shuhei Yoshida:
That's a possibility...

Quelle:IGN: Shuhei Yoshida Interview