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Was macht ihr gerade so nebenbei?

oh radio, tell me everything you know

like to sing with the radio.
i like to play it really loud.
i like to drive with the top down
rollin' like thunder, always drawing a crowd.
every babe's gonna want a piece of me- yeah.

i stare into the mirror
i like the things i see

oh radio, tell me everything you know
i will believe your every word, just tell me so

Indis Tritten ausweichen. Quicktime yyyeeeeeaaaahhhhhhh

Ich rede hier übrigens nicht über ein Videospiel sondern bittere Realität.
Indis Tritten ausweichen. Quicktime yyyeeeeeaaaahhhhhhh

Ich rede hier übrigens nicht über ein Videospiel sondern bittere Realität.
Wenn Du sonst keine Probleme hast... :D
Wie sind sie denn so? Die Quicktime-Events natürlich. :nice:

Was mache ich nebenbei? Geld verdienen und dabei so gut wie nichts tun:
- Fahrer einstellen bei Forza Motorsport 3
- B-SPEC Modus bei Gran Turismo 5

parallel versteht sich! :hoch:
I see the look in their eyes.
I see desire in their lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.
In their lies- oh yeah

gonna drink some beer tonight- yeah
gonna get some girls I like
gonna wear my pants real tight

all the girls are gonna creep there, just right.
they don’t think I see them stare at me- no

I stare into the mirror
I like the things I see

oh radio, tell me everything you know.
I will believe your every word just tell me so

i see the look in their eyes.
i see desire in their lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.
in their lies

god knows I can be a rockstar
i’m sure all you girls want to know
how you can meet me oh you know who you are
i feel your eyes so lot on me

i like to sing with the radio
i like to play it real loud

i like to drive with the top down
rollin' like thunder, always drawing a crowd
every babe's gonna want a piece of me- yeah

i stare into the mirror
i like the things I see

oh radio, tell me everything you know
i will believe your every word just tell me so

i see the look in their eyes
i see desire in their lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.
In their lies

I see the look in their eyes.
I see desire in their lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.
In their lies- oh yeah

gonna drink some beer tonight- yeah
gonna get some girls I like
gonna wear my pants real tight

all the girls are gonna creep there, just right.
they don’t think I see them stare at me- no

I stare into the mirror
I like the things I see

oh radio, tell me everything you know.
I will believe your every word just tell me so

i see the look in their eyes.
i see desire in their lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.
in their lies

god knows I can be a rockstar
i’m sure all you girls want to know
how you can meet me oh you know who you are
i feel your eyes so lot on me

i like to sing with the radio
i like to play it real loud

i like to drive with the top down
rollin' like thunder, always drawing a crowd
every babe's gonna want a piece of me- yeah

i stare into the mirror
i like the things I see

oh radio, tell me everything you know
i will believe your every word just tell me so

i see the look in their eyes
i see desire in their lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.
In their lies

Geht's auch in weiß? Ich kann das nicht lesen. Liegt wohl daran, dass der 21 Dezember der finsterste Tag in Germany ist... Ist ja bald. Meinen Monitor kalibriere ich deswegen jetzt nicht neu. Ist ja nur ein Spamthread! :ugly:
I see the look in their eyes.
I see desire in their lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.
In their lies- oh yeah

gonna drink some beer tonight- yeah
gonna get some girls I like
gonna wear my pants real tight

all the girls are gonna creep there, just right.
they don’t think I see them stare at me- no

I stare into the mirror
I like the things I see

oh radio, tell me everything you know.
I will believe your every word just tell me so
i see the look in their eyes.
i see desire in their lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.
in their lies

god knows I can be a rockstar
i’m sure all you girls want to know
how you can meet me oh you know who you are
i feel your eyes so lot on me

i like to sing with the radio
i like to play it real loud

i like to drive with the top down
rollin' like thunder, always drawing a crowd
every babe's gonna want a piece of me- yeah
i stare into the mirror
i like the things I see

oh radio, tell me everything you know
i will believe your every word just tell me so
i see the look in their eyes
i see desire in their lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.
In their lies
