Bekanntes Gesicht
Umfang: 100 Seiten (Inhalt: 88 / Werbung: 10 / Eigenwerbung: 2 Seite)
DVD-Inhalt, u.a.:
Demos: Need for Speed: Pro Street, Sam & Max Episode 201, Universe at War, RTL Winter Sports 2008
DVD-Inhalt, u.a.:
Demos: Need for Speed: Pro Street, Sam & Max Episode 201, Universe at War, RTL Winter Sports 2008
Spiel: Einschätzung:
Metal Gear Solid 4 sehr gut
Grand Theft Auto IV sehr gut
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 sehr gut
BiA: Hell's Highway gut
Rockband sehr gut
Nights: Journey Into Dreams gut
Universe at War Earth Assault sehr gut
The Club gut
Turok sehr gut
Spiel: PC: PS2: PS3: 360: Wii:
Uncharted: Drakes Schicksal - - 90% - -
Blacksite: Area 51 76% - - 76% -
Super Mario Galaxy - - - - 94%
Link's Crossbow Training - - - - 76%
Spyro: The Eternal Night - 68% - - 67%
Pokémon Battle Revolution - - - - 52%
Ace Combat 6 - - - 77% -
Tomb Raider: Anniversary 88% 88% - 87% 78%
Jackass: The Game - 63% - - -
Age of Empires 3: Asian... 80% - - - -
RTL Winter Sports 2008 75% 75% - - 64%
RTL Biathlon 2008 71% 69% - - -
Spongebob: Spielzeugroboter - 58% - - 50%
Timeshift 79% - - 79% -
Die Legende von Beowulf 55% - 53% 53% -
Endless Ocean - - - - 81%
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam - - 52% 52% -
Bladestorm - - 62% 62% -
Smarty Pants - - - - 74%
Scene It? - - - 70% -
Viva Pinata: Party Animals - - - 68% -
Spiel: Spielspaß: System:
Warhammer 40.000 79% PSP
Call of Duty 4 80% DS
Runaway: The Dream of the Turtle 75% DS
Mario Party DS 78% DS
Myst 62% DS
Medal of Honor: Heroes 81% PSP
Sonic Rivals 2 73% PSP
EA Playground 69% DS
Die Drei ??? 58% DS
Need for Speed: Pro Street 77% DS
Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness 88% PSP
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