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GTA IV: The Lost and Damned

hmm, also so wirkliche Biker-Stimmen haben die Jungs aus TLAD ja nicht!
Schade, dass man in TLAD wieder so einen unsymphatischen Proll spielt, wie im Hauptspiel. CJ ist und bleibt mein Lieblings Charakter aus einem GTA Spiel.

Hi, im Hauptspiel wurde Nico (jo niico) doch von so nem Moppedrocker in einem Museum übers Ohr gehauen, und dann später auf offener Strasse gerichtet, stilvoll von nem Bike aus versteht sich:D
ist eben genannter Rocker eigentlich ein Lost oder ein Damned oder garnichts von beiden ?
Dann hab ich noch ne ganze Rockertruppe + 1 Taube mit nem Raketenwerfer eingeäschert, hatten die etwa was mit den Lost oder den Damned zu schaffen ? Fragen über Fragen:confused:
ja irgendwelche rocker die im Hauptspiel vorkamen, sind aus TLAD ;)
Passend zum Release von TLAD kommt am 16.02 eine MS Points Card mit 1600 Points raus.
Für 20 Euro bekommt man die schicke Karte im TLAD Stil.


Hier gibts die Karte vorzubestellen.
Yeah! Langsam geht's los. Nur noch 'ne gute Woche...
Freu' mich am meisten auf die neuen Knarren, Bikes und vor allem die Mucke!!!


Infos zur neuen Mucke im DLC:

New episode of `Grand Theft Auto' adds new music
By NEKESA MUMBI MOODY – 16 hours ago

NEW YORK (AP) — When "Grand Theft Auto IV" debuts another downloadable episode later this month, there'll be not only new story lines and characters, but also new music for the ride.

Busta Rhymes, Funkmaster Flex and others have been added to music stations on the radio dial in "The Lost and the Damned," an episode that features hours of new content for the popular video game, which released the fourth part of its series to great fanfare — and sales — last year.

Rhymes is also debuting a new song, "Conglomerate," exclusively for "Grand Theft Auto."

Music supervisor Ivan Pavlovich said the featured songs are a key component of "Grand Theft Auto," so they updated five of the radio stations in the game, including a hip-hop station and rock stations.

"Unlike movies, where you have a particular song that goes with a particular scene, what we do with the stations is really kind of allow each player to individualize how they want to play the game and how they set the tone," he said.

To that end, they've enlisted DJ Funkmaster Flex to make a show for the game's fictional Liberty City, which sits right outside of a New York-type metropolis. Rhymes' music is not only featured on the Flex channel, he also is interviewed by Flex.

The station also gives the rapper a chance to promote his upcoming CD and music, and fans can purchase songs they tag during play later on iTunes.

"It kind of shows the reach of video games to influence people to buy music," said Pavlovich. "That's why it's important for people like Busta, when they have new material. He is pushing an album in this. ... That's part of the whole thing that we do that's really important to us, is turning people on to new music. "

The new episode of "Grand Theft Auto IV" will be available on Xbox Feb. 17.
gibts denn eig im MP von TLAD auch neue matcharten??? oder läuft da irgendwas anders ab??
GTA4 DLC Multiplayer Info

Von IGN.com

The first new game type we tried out was my favorite of the bunch. Called "Witness Protection," this mode is a team affair with one squad playing as The Lost biker gang and the other as the N.O.O.S.E. The goal of the N.O.O.S.E. is to deliver three state witnesses to the proper police stations while The Lost try to kill said witnesses. If you're playing as the good guys, one team member gets to drive the van with the witnesses making him the prime target while the rest of the team drives in cop cars. As I found out, it takes quite a bit of firepower to take down the van…and the van is pretty daunting when it starts trying to ram you and you're just chasing it on a small bike.

It's all about teamwork here. You might be tempted to just ride your bike up solo and try to take out the van's driver, but a coordinated attack just as the witness is leaving the van for the police station is most effective. Likewise for the cops running defense. Without staying in constant contact with the van's driver, you won't know where you should go to be most effective. You can get all of the kills you want, but if you don't protect the van you won't win.

Also, when you're on a bike, avoid getting hit by a cop car while on a bridge. It doesn't go over well.

The next mode, "Own the City," is a GTA take on your standard territories match. Each team must try to take over as many territories as possible. There's just one catch: Each territory your team owns is populated by NPC characters to protect it while you're off taking over another.

The more territories you currently hold, the more AI controlled NPCs you'll have on your side. In order to take over a territory, you'll have to clear it of all opposition, both human and AI. Add in a special Gun Van that you can hijack and drive around to upgrade all of your squad's weapons and you've got yourself some extra strategic elements.

The new race mode is a clear homage to the classic motorcycle game Road Rash. The goal is simple: travel through all of the checkpoints and reach the finish first. The catch is that everyone is on bikes and you can hold down the X or B buttons to charge up a baseball bat swing to knock the opposition on their tails.

After a few motorcycle races (and concussions from high speed bat-meets-face collisions), we moved on to "Lone Wolf Biker." If you've played a first-person shooter, you've likely already played a mode just like this. At the outset of the match, one player is selected as the Lone Wolf. Their job is to survive as long as they can while everyone else tries to take them down. Kill the Lone Wolf and you get your shot at being the target. Last the longest as the Lone Wolf and you win.

The last mode we played is called "Chopper vs. Chopper." You can probably guess what that entails. The game is only played by two people, one on a motorcycle and one in a helicopter. If you're on the bike, it's your job to get to as many checkpoints scattered around the city as possible. If you're in the copter, all you need to do is kill the guy on the bike, either by shooting them down or embarrassing them by killing them with the copter blades. Once the player in the motorcycle is killed, the roles are reversed.

There is one more mode, but we didn't get a chance to try it out. This one, called "Club Business" has everyone playing as a member of The Lost. Different tasks are doled out that everyone will race to complete in order to gain favor with the gang. In the team-based version of this, Rockstar says you can gain money for your club by riding in formation.

6 neue Modi.

ROFL bzgl. Chopper vs Chopper. :D
Morgen um 9:00 Uhr ist es soweit. Zum Glück hab ich morgen frei. Dann werd ich TLAD pünktlich um 9 laden :)
Planet Xbox: 9,7
IGN UK: 8,6
TVG: 10/10
Eurogamer: 8/10
Kikizo: 9/10
Gamedaily: 9/10
CVG: 9/10

Without question The Lost & Damned, a $20 Xbox 360 exclusive, is the meatiest DLC to date. Not only do you get a significant single-player campaign, but L&D includes 54 new music tracks, 20 new vehicles, a half-dozen new weapons, new side missions, new TV shows and new multiplayer modes.

Endlich mal ein paar Zahlen...