Final Fantasy 13-2

Hier gibts das komplette E3 Gameplay in guter Qualität.

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Also ich muss sagen, es sieht eigentlich nicht schlecht aus.
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Vielleicht macht man dieses mal Gebrauch von der Datengröße und stopft die Videos nicht in DivX-Qualität auf die Scheiben. So ähnlich war das nämlich bei FF13 und da waren pro DVD mehr als 1 GB ungenutzt.

Bzgl. FF 13-2: Sieht absolut müllig aus und wird auf keinen Fall seinen Weg in meine Sammlung finden.
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Gott labbert der Kitase eine Scheiße.:ugly:

While it sold well, Final Fantasy XIII came under fire from fans who felt the game was too linear. When I met with Yoshinori Kitase, Producer on Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2, I asked him if the reception of Final Fantasy XIII affected development of the sequel.

"We made Final Fantasy XIII with the concept of a story driven game. So much so, some gamers were not very happy with it and criticized XIII and said the game progression was too linear and the world could be more populated," Kitase replied rather honestly. "With Final Fantasy XIII-2, we wanted to present a completely different experience with this game. There is more exploration and elements in the environment to interact with."

Final Fantasy XIII-2 was designed with multiple playthroughs in mind, Kitase explained. The game will have multiple endings for players to discover, as well. Check back tomorrow for more on Final Fantasy XIII-2 when our interview goes live.

Read more stories about Final Fantasy XIII-2 & PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360 on Siliconera.
FAIL $quare €nix.:palm:

Square-Enix Possibly Releasing “Fake” Final Fantasy XIII-2 Xbox 360 Screenshots?

All evidence at hand points to ‘Yes,’ and it wouldn’t be the first time this has happened.
You may recall back over a year ago now, Square-Enix was caught red-handed falsifying Final Fantasy XIII screenshots, all in an effort to keep the reality of the Xbox 360 version of the game hidden from view. The entire debacle was quickly shuttered by PR as clearly a mistake on their part.
Unfortunately for them, however, the damage had been done. Instead of releasing proper direct feed screen captures from the Xbox 360 version of Final Fantasy XIII, someone took the time to edit an entire batch of PlayStation 3 shots, replacing the familiar L1, Triangle, Circle, Square, X buttons, with the ones from Microsoft’s console. With both console’s ‘sets’ released, it was only a matter of time before people connected the dots and realized that each version’s image was exactly the same, right down to damage being dealt to on-screen enemies.
In truth, both versions of Final Fantasy XIII were far from identical. The Xbox 360 port suffered from sub-HD resolutions and heavy framerate loss, and ended up being a far cry from the original PlayStation 3 game as a result. Based on what we’ve seen at E3 2011, Final Fantasy XIII-2 isn’t exactly equal on both platforms either…
So here we are, with XIII-2, and a few minutes of detective work proves that Square-Enix is possibly doing the same thing all over again. Below you can see two images that are exactly the same in every single aspect. The only thing different is the L1 button has been swapped for the LB button to indicate that it is from the Xbox 360 version. Everything else is the same, right down to the damage numbers and particle effects on screen. There’s no doubt that this image has been modified. As an interesting note, Famitsu’s 4 page spread on the game had the same image, with Japanese text. As the PlayStation 3 version is once again the lead platform here, it’s only obvious that the original shot came from that system.
What do you think? Square’s response, if any, will be interesting.

Ich habe seit gestern FF XIII durch und fand's eigentlich gar nicht so schlecht. Wenn der Nachfolger etwas mehr Umgebungsinteraktion und NPCs bieten würde, wäre ich eigentlich schon ziemlich zufrieden und dann wird das Teil auch gekauft (aber wahrscheinlich erst, wenn der Preis etwas gesunken ist).
Und noch ein neues Gameplay Video, diesesmal von Lightning.

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Edit: Ein brandneuer Trailer

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Macht dieses Machwerk des Bösen aber auch nicht besser.:ugly:

Ich stehe dem Spiel anders gegenüber als du. Ich freue mich total auf das Spiel und kann es kaum mehr erwarten es zu spielen. Ich fand die Story aus FF13 richtig gut und bin schon ganz gespannt wie es weiter geht.
Der blinkende Avatar von unserer Jak&Daxter-Guerilla? ^^
Die beste News seitdem Teaser Trailer. (naja evtl. es SE ja doch aus XIII-2 was ordentlich zu machen.:ugly:)
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Details zum Zeitreise-System by

Zeitreisen? Woran erinnert mich das Bloß?:lol: