PS3 = Lahm oder kaum programmierbar
Entweder wird die PS3 der 2. Atari Jaguar: Zwar gute Technik aber
kaum programmierbar, da zu komplex und einfach zu schwierig
hardwarenah zu programmieren. ODER alles rund um den Cell-CPU war
reine PR und die PS3 ist wirklich wesentlich langsamer als die Xbox
350. Das stellte jedenfalls IGN (eine der größten und besten
Konsolentestseiten) bei einem Vergleichstest zwischen zwei Xbox 360
und PS3-Spielen fest bzw. dem einzigen Spiel, dass es bisher für
beide Konsolen gibt: "Tony Hawk's Project 8"
Start des TESTs: (letzten Absatz zwischen den *** *** beachten)
"Closing Comments
Tony Hawk's Project 8 is an interesting game in that while it
introduces a number of new and fun concepts, like Nail a Trick and
Spot Challenges, much of it feels very rehashed. In fact, some areas
of the game are even taken from past games in the series, making the
package feel somewhat lazy. That's not to say that Tony doesn't have
any stamina left in his legs, as the game is still plenty fun most of
the time, but we've seen it all before.
***It's certainly disappointing that the PlayStation 3 is so far
behind the Xbox 360 game. Framerate issues are apparent at every
other turn, and the lack of online play really hurts. Project 8 is a
worthy game to pick up, just preferably not on this system.***"
UND nun kommts:
"[...] but when it's staring at the bottom of your board and the game is running at 15fps, well, there's a major problem. That's not to say that it always runs poorly, as it can be reasonably quick most of the time, but Project 8 chops up way more often than is normally forgivable."
Haha, die PS3 schafft ganze 15 FPS, wow! Wie toll! Fast schon Daumenkino ;-)