Profile import is, among other things, our way of rewarding long-time Forza Motorsport players. How does the system work?
It’s all automatic. After your first race (logged in with the same Xbox Profile you played Forza Motorsport 3 with), you will be asked if you want to import your profile. This will have no effect of your Forza 3 profile. It’s just a read on that profile. The import process looks at several factors and gives a variety of rewards.
If you’re connected to the server and your Xbox LIVE account is in good standing, you will be gifted credits based on your level. The car imports do not require connection to LIVE.
What kind of car rewards are we talking about?
Based on your Forza 3 driver level, you start your Forza 4 garage with these cars. These are player loyalty rewards.
If you have any of the following cars are in your Forza 3 profile’s garage, you start your Forza 4 garage with Forza 4 version of the same car. These cars are community loyalty rewards.
Anmerkung: Nur der Gallardo, der 430 Scuderia und die Corvette sind in FM3 enthalten! Beim Camaro, dem RX7 und dem Subaru handelt es sich um die Unicorn-Cars. Den RX7 gab es kürzlich auch mit Forza-Lackierung für die Vorbesteller von Forza 4. Der Italia und der LFA sind DLC in FM3. Eigentlich recht schäbig, dass man auf diese Art nochmal versucht FM3-DLC zu verkaufen.]
Originally (as recently as E3), we were planning to have the entire Event List (and thus World Tour) unlocked from the beginning. This would have allowed you to use any of these cars immediately in your career. However, in playtest, we found that the new tire model took some getting used to. As a result, we locked the higher-class events based on Forza 4 driver level. That said, we made the required driver level for these locked events very low. Also, we sped up leveling in Forza 4. As a result, you can unlock all of the events in just a few hours. Classes B and A unlock at level 5 (very quickly). Classes S and R3 unlock at level 10. Finally, classes R2 and R1 unlock at level 15. Of course, there is no metering in multiplayer or Rivals mode. So, if you want to drive the high-PI cars from the start, you can start your career in those modes.